Record Detail

Pearson Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

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Pearson Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery
Pete Evans

In affectionate remembrance of Stephen Pearson, Police Constable, the beloved husband of Hannah Pearson, who was stabbed in Castle Street September 10th 1891 and died June 18th 1892, aged 40 years. 'And since thou couldst no longer stay, to cheer us with thy love, we hope to meet thee yet again, in yond bright world above.'

Also of Lilian Pearson, grand-daughter of the above, who died Jany. 27th 1904, aged 14 months. Also Hannah, wife of the above, died June 24th 1926, aged 70 years. 'Thy will be done'.

Also Minnie, daughter of the above, killed in action at Hull, 31 Aug 19141, aged 43 years.

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